Thursday, January 1, 2015

on the first of january, these hopes and dreams.

This year, I hope that you continue to become more and more of who you really are. That you give yourself the freedom to do so, and have the confidence to be pleased with the results. That you have the insight to plunge onwards where it matters and the wisdom to softly back away where it does not. The foresight to seek out the good but the strength to persevere through the bad. 

I hope you have the courage to be happy, darling. And the space to contain both the joys of living and the sorrows all at once, without discarding all of one for the other. 

I hope you read castle walls of books and write paper oceans of words. I hope you draw, and sing, and embrace, and laugh until you're spent. 

When you cry -- and you will -- I hope it cleanses you. 

And, of course, I hope you dance.

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